Parenting of the Day


knowledge of al-hikmah, something called when our words and actions are right, when our words are right, our actions are also in accordance with our words and actions, it is wisdom, in that statement it is the sunnahs of the Prophet, the life of the Prophet SAW, it is actually an application, not an application. theory is not that cannot be applied.

Spirit of learning:

Why should we be passionate about learning? Al Imam Muhammad bin Idris as-Shafii rahimahullah or commonly known as Imam as-Shafii said “if you can’t stand the fatigue of studying, then you have to endure the pain of stupidity”, so in this sense a learner in studying requires a long process, energy, time is used a lot and can be a lot of money used to gain knowledge. But we need to remember together that everything we do we will get a result from what we do, keep the spirit up, don’t give up easily , always try, fail again try again until it succeeds, if we have tried as much as possible then leave the results to our rab allah swt. With him everything we do will produce what we want, with his permission all our activities run with what we want, with his permission our future can be realized what we want.



Cara Memandang Kehidupan Dunia

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