
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2022

Bertanggung Jawab

Mengasuh Dulu - Membacakan ayat-ayat nya (membimbing)  - Mensucikan mereka (Tazkiyyatun Nafs)  Mengajar Kemudian - Mengajarkan mereka kitab dan hikmah (as-sunnah)  Mengasuh Bukan Sandiwara  Yuk terbuka dengan masalah kita,  1. Apakah lembaga kita baik-baik saja?  2. Apakah orang tua sudah puas dengan pelayanan kita?  3. Apakah akhlak santri sudah sesuai dengan harapan?  4. Apakah kita benar-benar sudah hebat sebagai guru?  5. Apakah sudah benar-benar paham dengan pernak-pernik masalah santri?  6. Orientasi hasil atau proses?  Sukses Mengasih Dengan Mengerami Telur ayam akan menetas setelah melalui masa 21 hari dierami oleh induknya Santri yang tidak baik bisa karena hal dari induknya yang tidak mengerami nya Bagaimana Nabi Mangasuh Generasi Sahabat 1. Apa adanya 2. Memperbanyak interaksi 3. Membimbing langsung (teladan)  4. Memberikan teguran 5. Memanfaatkan moment 6. Mendo'akan Bangga Menjadi Pengasuh, karena: 1. Mendapatkan d...

Menanamkan Kisah Pada Anak - Ustadz Adi Hidayat

  Mendidik Anak Usia Dini Dengan Menanamkan Kisah Pada Anak Di dalam Al-Quran Allah SWT menjelaskan karakter, bahkan pada setiap tahap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada manusia, ada anak-anak, ada remaja, ada pemuda bahkan ada yang sudah masuk ke level itu dalam konteks kekeluargaan, itupun di bagi lagi, ada suami, ada istri, ada ibu, ada ayah, ada ayah, ada kakek, ada nenek, bisa berbeda-beda cara berinteraksinya. anak-anak itu menariknya di dalam Al-Quran itu diberikan beberapa tahapan pendidikan, tapi seluruhnya itu mengerucut pada arahan untuk masuk ke dunia mereka, contoh ketika pada ke anakkecil itu, masil di tahap-tahap awal itu banyak panggilan sayang, di dalam Al-Quran ada kalimat Bunayya-Bunayya, ada panggilan sayang kepada anak-anak kita, bisa kita cari misalnya kata-kata yang membuat mereka senang terhadap panggilan itu, seperti sayang, cantik, tampan, soleh, pintar, terus ketika dia sudah mulai naik lagi ke level yang sekarang kelas 5 SD atau 1 SMP kurangi kata sayang ...

Menjadikan Diri Pribadi yang Kuat Ruhiyah

Kuat Ruhiyah ( Syarat Wajib Pengasuh Teladan ) Tips kuat ruhyah 1. One day one juz 2. Qiyamul lail 3. Biasa bersedekah 4. Shaum sunnah 5. Shalat dhuha 6. Silaturahmi 7. Menjaga shalat lima waktu di masjid Sama halnya ketika rosulullah saw melaksanakan ibadah salat, lalu beliau menanyakan kepada para sahabat siapa yang tidak hadir, siapa yang sudah melaksanakan ini dan itu.  Ceklist adalah system/alat kontrol, ikhlas adalah pekerjaan hati antara hamba dengan rabbnya.  Kualitas Ruhiyah Guru menentukan keberhasilan pendidikan.  Pelanggaran berkurang dengan Padatnya program Daripada menghukum santri yang melanggar lebih baik kita mengkondisikan santri supaya tidak melanggar.  2--iyamul lail Minimal 2+1 1. Mendekatkan diri kepada Allah 2. Kebiasaan salafus sholeh 3. Waktu mustajab berdo'a 4. Siap menjemput berkah subuh 5. Bisa Muroja'ah hafalan 6. Melakukan hal yang jarang dilakukan oleh orang lain 7. Menyehatkan badan   3--Biasa Bersedekah 1. Edukasi tentang efek ba...

Parenting of the Day

  knowledge of al-hikmah, something called when our words and actions are right, when our words are right, our actions are also in accordance with our words and actions, it is wisdom, in that statement it is the sunnahs of the Prophet, the life of the Prophet SAW, it is actually an application, not an application. theory is not that cannot be applied. Spirit of learning: Why should we be passionate about learning? Al Imam Muhammad bin Idris as-Shafii rahimahullah or commonly known as Imam as-Shafii said “if you can’t stand the fatigue of studying, then you have to endure the pain of stupidity”, so in this sense a learner in studying requires a long process, energy, time is used a lot and can be a lot of money used to gain knowledge. But we need to remember together that everything we do we will get a result from what we do, keep the spirit up, don’t give up easily , always try, fail again try again until it succeeds, if we have tried as much as possible then leave the results to ou...

Ta'limul Muta'alim for today

When there is someone who wants something to be a respected person but you don't want to be miserable then he is a crazy person Who is serious then surely he will get it Whoever knocks on the door continuously, the door will open If we want to become people who become experts in science, then we have to get used to staying up late to continue our search for the knowledge we are studying A person's izzah is seen from someone who holds back sleep at night Whoever wants something sublime without feeling tired in the process, then they are just wasting their time. Make that night a vehicle to get your dreams for the future

The Character of a Seeker of Knowledge

 let the students listen carefully and respectfully even though they have heard up to 1000 times as if they have only heard for 1 time And let the seeker of knowledge be bitch choose the knowledge he wants to learn of his own free will, ask the opinion of our teachers to determine the knowledge we will learn. because that the teachers have passed the sciences that we will learn. In ancient times, seekers of knowledge would consult with teachers, so those who sought knowledge in ancient times succeeded in becoming what they wanted. but the seekers of knowledge at this time, they seek knowledge without consulting their teachers, and the results they get are unsatisfactory and as for failure. basically when we ask the teachers for opinions, the knowledge we get will always bring the teacher's blessings. On the other hand, when we do not ask the teachers for opinions, the knowledge we get does not bring us the knowledge that is blessed. let the disciples abstain from bad manners, so th...

Parenting is The Main Foundation of Education

   Being an exemplary teacher is a teacher who orders students to be disciplined, and if he acts disciplined, he is called an exemplary teacher A cruel teacher is a teacher who orders students to be disciplined, but he is not disciplined so he is called a cruel teacher The best students will be found in the first generation because they do activities together with the teacher, and if you want to come back there are the best students in school, then come back and join activities with students Forming a Positive and Inspirational Self-Attitude -Discipline -Strong Spiritually -Honest -Responsible -Sensitive -Role of being a father - Wisely Manage Emotions Discipline          Main Characters of Exemplary Nanny "Secondary Da'wah Will Give Birth to Side Levels" - Sheikh Abdullah Azzam Rahimakumullah. -Executing the Deal -Discipline is Punctual -By Marching Line -No No Says -Starting from now -Generating Solutions Parenting is The Main Foundation of Education...